FairVote.ca Canvasing Tool


Fair Vote Canadaseeks broad multi-partisan support to embody in new legislation the basic principle of democratic representative government and ultimate safeguard of a free society: the right of each citizen to equal treatment under
election laws and equal representation in legislatures.

We campaign for equal effective votes and fair representation at every level of government and throughout civil society by various means including lobbying legislators for electoral law reform, litigation, public education,
citizens’ assemblies, and referenda.


Preceding upcoming elections, Fair Vote Canada would like to canvass polling areas in target riding’s to favour candidates or parties supporting fair representation & voter equality. Software could help with the :

  • Selection of target polling areas
  • Tracking the status of a polling area (“of interest”, “canvassed”, “to canvass”)
  • Printing of polling area maps (or displaying on phones)
  • Publishing of canvassing events so supporters can join and work in groups / teams
  • Registering of volunteers for a canvassing event